2014 Wrap Up

Posted by Prina Shah

This has been a busy year full of art exhibitions and projects of all sorts... At the beginning of the year I started the “I Wish I Had Said” project. This is a socially engaged art project asking people all around the world to participate anonymously via an online survey. I was under the direct tutelage of a brilliant lecturer and artist. I worked hard on promoting the online survey that I created and behind the scenes worked on typography, placement, colours, music, videos and interaction with the work – you name it! I have received nearly 150 responses to date. The end pieces resulted in a couple of immersive installations where the viewer is invited to experience the responses as a voyeur and a listener; the work was presented as attractive, colourful projections of all of the responses and four upbeat, well produced pop songs which are heard using headphones within the confines of a wooden room (which I learnt how to build under the supervision of a couple of technical gurus.)


The auditory and visual combinations simulate the immersive quality and sensory experience of constant unvoiced thoughts. A tension between what is being heard and seen is created. The second installation was a print installation involving music.

Big Screen The work was projected on the big screen outside the State Library and the art galleries in Northbridge, Perth. It was good to see it in a public space! Thank you to everyone who has been involved in the “I Wish I Had Said” project. Other art projects This year I have also taken part in some curated shows, some photos of which are below: - October 2014 Contemporary Print Media Awards, Moore’s Gallery, Fremantle - June 2014 Joondalup Community Art Exhibition - February 2014 Past and Present Exhibition at Moore’s Gallery, Fremantle

Collaboration I collaborated with the award winning Mr Digital Ink a.k.a. Lindsay Dullea, who won two print awards this year for this vibrant Shapes of Suburbia series of prints. Our collaboration took the form of a temporary public art project where our prints (as well as others’) were exhibited in order to enliven the Joondalup Lakeside Shopping Centre area while it was being redeveloped. Our prints were bright and bold; they celebrated local flora and fauna. We received many fun photos of people posing by our prints! This was a fun project to work on and it was good to see our work blown up large scale in a public space and see how people interacted with it!

Solo Exhibition In the middle of the year I had the opportunity to have a solo exhibition of my prints at the University of Western Australia Guild thanks to the support of the Boultons of Ace Stamp Auctions. It goes to show there are other avenues beyond art funding and mainstream galleries. This exhibition was a fun one. We got traffic from the Perth Upmarket that was happening on the same weekend. It was good to speak to so many people and good to sell some prints.

And to end the year I finished my Contemporary Art Degree. I was awarded an industry award and have been nominated for Hatched 2015 at the Perth Institute of Contemporary Art. I was flattered by the surprise visits from special friends on the grad show night. This degree has been a challenging and fulfilling one. I have completed it while working and travelling. What a year it has been! Work has been busy. I have travelled around Perth metro from Joondalup to Gosnells, to the Hills and beyond. And regionally to Kalgoorlie, Bunbury, Busselton and Albany and presented to groups of 30 to 150! There are some exciting projects which are looming for 2015 and I am planning ahead for an opportunity in 2016.
Be well and have a good holiday.